About Us

Nearly twenty years ago, three generations of my family left behind the life and home we knew in Kansas and set forth on what would be our greatest adventure: we moved 1,500 miles away. We settled within 100 miles of the property that my great grandparents had worked as their dairy farm. A few years later, we moved into an abandoned farmhouse and started the long and seemingly never-ending project of breathing life back into it.

I decided to start sharing our life on the farm through a blog back in 2010. The name came from the date inscribed on the concrete foundation of the old barn. “1840” had been scrawled there along with the date that the foundation had been lovingly restored. From the moment I stepped inside the barn on our first visit to the farm, I felt connected to it. I remember standing on the rough wood floor, staring up at the ceiling supported by sturdy beams and reinforced with stripped tree trunks where needed. I breathed deep and just knew that this place felt like home.

1840 Farm New England farmhouse

It is that feeling of home that we share with our growing community of readers and followers every day. I want them to feel right at home in the same way that I did all those years ago. We like to remind them that they’re always welcome here at 1840 Farm both because it’s neighborly to do so and because we really mean it.

For the past decade, my family has been creating handmade baskets and other home decor at the farmhouse to offer for sale here in our Mercantile Shop. You'll also find a few of our Farmhouse Favorites gathered together for you for easy shopping. We hope that the items made right here at the farmhouse will help you to add a touch of 1840 Farmhouse Style to your home!